With government restrictions lifting and COVID still around, rapid antigen tests are quickly becoming part of our daily lives.
This how-to article gives step-by-step instructions on how to administer rapid antigen tests to detect cases of COVID-19. But please note it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Video Demo – How to Use Rapid Antigen Tests for COVID
How to Use Rapid Antigen Tests for COVID-19
Rapid COVID tests are cost-effective and easy to administer. Follow these steps to learn how to use rapid antigen tests for COVID-19.
Total Time Needed: 20 minutes
Required Tools:
- A rapid antigen test kit
- Personal protective equipment (recommended)
- A watch or timer
Things Needed?
- A designated plastic zipper bag
- A garbage to safely dispose of the swab and test kit
Steps to use a rapid antigen test kit
Step 1: Remove packaging and prepare for testing
Put on your PPE and be sure to have ample space for the items in the test kit as you remove them from the packaging:
- sterile swab
- extraction buffer tube
- test cassette reader

Step 2: Collect the nasal sample
Insert the sterile swab into the nostril with the most secretion. While rotating the swab, insert the swab 2 cm (slightly less than 1 inch) parallel to the palate (not upwards) towards the throat into the nostril until resistance is met at turbinates. Do not apply pressure.
Rotate the swab 4 times for about 15 seconds against the nasal wall and remove it from the nostril.
Repeat with the same swab in the other nostril.
Note: Samples must be collected from both nostrils using the same swab.
Rotate the swab 4 times for about 15 seconds against the nasal wall and remove it from the nostril.
Repeat with the same swab in the other nostril.
Note: Samples must be collected from both nostrils using the same swab.

Step 3: Add drops of buffer to tube
Depending on the make/model of rapid antigen test you're using, the buffer may already be in the tube. If it is, skip this and go to Step 4.
If your tube is empty, add 10 drops of buffer liquid into the tube.

Step 4: Insert swab into extraction buffer tube
Insert the swab into an extraction buffer tube. While squeezing the buffer tube, stir the swab more than 10 times.

Step 5: Remove the swab while squeezing
Remove the swab while squeezing the sides of the tube to extract the liquid from the swab.
WARNING! Failure to squeeze the tube can lead to incorrect results due to excess buffer in the swab.

Step 6: Add the nozzle to the buffer tube
Depending on the test make/model, the nozzle may be a screw cap or need to be pushed to snap close.

Step 7: Apply sample drops from buffer tube to test cassette
Place the test device on a flat surface and apply 3-5 drops of the extracted sample at a 90º angle to the specimen well of the test device.

Step 8: Wait 15 minutes
Wait 15-30 minutes and then read the test result at 15 to 30 min.

Step 9: Read the test results
A colored line appears in the top section of the result window to show that the test is working properly. This is the control line (C). Even if the control line is faint, the test should be considered to have been performed properly. If no control line is visible the test is invalid.
In case of a positive result, a colored line appears in the lower section of the result window. This is the test line (T). Even if the test line is very faint or not uniform, the test result should be interpreted as a positive result.
In case of a positive result, a colored line appears in the lower section of the result window. This is the test line (T). Even if the test line is very faint or not uniform, the test result should be interpreted as a positive result.

Buy Rapid Tests for Your Workplace
Contact us today if you’re looking to buy rapid tests to protect your workplace from the spread of COVID-19.